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Fishers of Barangay Acmac

Green jobs

Just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies

Nature and work are intrinsically connected. Our lives depend on the natural environment. Our jobs and businesses depend on a healthy planet. Our future depends on a just transition to a carbon- and resource efficient economy. Climate change and environmental degradation are already disrupting millions of jobs and livelihoods. Yet countless opportunities lie ahead to boost the economy and improve the quality of working lives. ILO studies show that implementing the Paris Agreement on Climate Change could create a net gain of 18 million jobs by 2030.

Policy areas

News and articles

Development, Training and Marketing of a Pilot Model for Climate-Smart Affordable Housing

Terms of Reference

Development, Training and Marketing of a Pilot Model for Climate-Smart Affordable Housing

Improving labour market statistics to reflect climate impact on labour market outcomes in the Asia-Pacific region through South-South...
Placeholder image

Labour market statistics

Improving labour market statistics to reflect climate impact on labour market outcomes in the Asia-Pacific region through South-South...


Featured publications

Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2023


Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2023

Decent Work in Nature-based Solutions 2022

ILO-UNEP-IUCN joint report

Decent Work in Nature-based Solutions 2022

Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all


Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all


Migration and climate change in the Arab region

Policy Brief

Migration and climate change in the Arab region

Market systems development for a just transition: What does it really mean for donors and practitioners?

Market systems development for a just transition: What does it really mean for donors and practitioners?

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Global Report

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate


Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) in Asia


Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) in Asia

International Labour and Environmental Standards Application in Pakistan’s SMEs (ILES)

International labour standards

International Labour and Environmental Standards Application in Pakistan’s SMEs (ILES)

Ongoing and upcoming events

Support and trainings

ILO Helpdesk for Business on International Labour Standards
An illustration showing three helpdesk staff.

ILO Helpdesk for Business on International Labour Standards

Training Programmes on Climate Change
training icon solid

Training Programmes on Climate Change

To solve the climate emergency, we need a just transition that puts people and planet first