Labour market reintegration of return migrant workers and former refugees in origin countries: Concepts and definitions

The return of migrant workers presents significant challenges that require specific measures for effective labour market reintegration, especially when returnees are driven by crises or personal issues. Former refugees and forced returnees often need additional support due to their unique circumstances.

This paper, part of the International Labour Organization's efforts, focuses on labour market policy for reintegration, addressing the needs of skilled workers, former refugees, and both voluntary and forced returnees. It reviews existing concepts and definitions, aiming to improve policy design and ensure equal treatment for all workers.

The document targets government officials, social partners, and development practitioners, providing guidelines on addressing the complexities of reintegration and measuring its success in statistical and policy terms.

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  • 9789220402306 (web PDF)
Socio-economic reintegration
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Socio-economic reintegration

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